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Mountain Ridge Adventure Course process explained
Message to Our Residents:

On March 25, 2015, a resident seeking Site Plan Review approval and a Conditional Use Permit for a specific project held a public forum at the Town Hall (Michael Cellini, Mountain Ridge Adventure Course).  This meeting was held by the applicant and was not an official town meeting.  At that meeting, several residents asked procedural questions that relate to process and were technical in nature.  The Town, in order to help clarify these issues for residents, is posting links to the sections of the Code that deal with Site Plan Review and Conditional Use Permits.

The first step in the process will require the applicant to secure Site Plan approval from the Planning and Zoning Commission.  As part of that process, the PZC will hold a public hearing to hear all those interested in this application.  If the PZC approves the Site Plan, the applicant will be required to secure a Conditional Use Permit from the Zoning Board of Appeals.  Again, the ZBA will hold an additional public hearing to hear all interested parties.  Dates have not been set for those hearings yet, but check the town's homepage for schedules and committee agendas. You can also receive email alerts that will inform you as to when meetings are scheduled and what's on the agenda by subscribing to news and agendas on the homepage of this website.

The Town Board does not have a role in this matter since the proposed use meets the current zoning code.

Current zoning can be accessed through the Town Code at:   Article XVI and Article XVII.  These  documents will explain the code and process for the Site Plan approval and for granting a Conditional Use Permit.  Section 270-114 deals with the Site Plan piece and Article XVII, Conditional Use Permits, explains the standards for evaluating applications - specifically found in Section 270-121. 

Please call our Planning Department at 688-1200, ext. 407 for any questions relating to the PZC and our Code Enforcement Officer at 688-1200, ext. 405 with any questions relating to the ZBA. You can email Planning at and the Code Enforcement Officer at  As always, you can contact the Supervisor at 688-1201 or by email at with any questions and/or concerns.